Recruiting Exclusively Online for Full-Time Vacancies

Posted on January 31st, 2017 by

Speaking of Chairman Pai and deregulation for broadcasters, there might just be a chance later this year for a common sense change under the FCC’s EEO rules. For stations that meet the minimum full-time staff threshold under the EEO rules, wide dissemination is a requirement when recruiting for a full-time job vacancy. And the FCC’s presumptive method for achieving wide dissemination of a job opening is a newspaper ad. Yes, you read that correctly.

So if your station wants to be able to recruit exclusively online (like the rest of the modern world) for full-time vacancies under the FCC’s EEO rules, you should most certainly stay tuned to a pending petition for rulemaking recently filed at the FCC seeking relief from this antiquated EEO policy.

Comments on the proposal were due January 30th. But don’t worry, you can still file reply comments through February 14th and provide your thoughts on the matter. It’s easy. Follow the instructions here. Don’t procrastinate — the deregulation bells are ringing.