Nationwide Legal Services for the Telecommunications Industry
Hardy, Carey, Chautin & Balkin has a vast familiarity with federal, state and local telecommunications law and is your nationwide resource for experienced telecommunications law professionals. Whether your business is facilities based, a reseller or a wireless provider, our talented team can help you with all matters relating to telecommunications law.
We assist carriers in regulatory compliance matters, local franchising and rights-of-way management, easement/servitude acquisition, contract negotiations and business litigation, including consumer class actions.
Telecommunications Legal Assistance for Facilities Based Providers
We assist facility-based telecommunications carriers by:
- Assisting with regulatory filings to remain compliant
- Negotiating and drafting franchises for access to local rights-of-way or assisting with permitting in those states that have “eliminated” telecommunications franchising
- Drafting and negotiating easements/servitudes for crossing public and private property
- Negotiating and administering construction contracts
- Providing assistance and guidance in permitting processes
Resellers Can Find Necessary Telecommunications Law Help
Are you a reseller in the telecommunications industry? Hardy, Carey, Chautin, & Balkin can:
- Assist with regulatory filings to remain compliant
- Provide resellers with counsel and advice on business and regulatory compliance matters
- Assist you with the creation of forms and programs that comply with anti-slamming rules, and represent you in hearings before state commissions and other regulatory tribunals
- Assist with provisioning issues and relationships with ILECs and their underlying carriers
Legal Counsel for Wireless Carriers and Antenna Site Operators
Since the inception of cellular services, Hardy, Carey, Chautin, & Balkin has been committed to providing clients with the most up to date telecommunications law and regulatory information. Protect yourself and your customers with the following telecommunications legal services:
- Legal counsel regarding site acquisition, construction and management companies for administrative, transactional and litigation matters
- Assistance with all phases of wireless operations, from becoming qualified and operating in a state, site acquisition and construction, and operations and management
- Support throughout transactions related to the purchase and lease of antenna sites for both freestanding towers and the placement of equipment on rooftops and water towers
- Negotiation services for leases involving private properties and publicly owned sites
- Obtaining access easements for utilities
- Assistance when resolving environmental concerns, including Section 106 approvals, and obtaining FAA approvals for towers
Telecom & Zoning
We have extensive experience handling telecom related zoning issues before local governmental entities including:
- Drafted zoning ordinances to allow towers to be constructed
- Participation in the zoning approval process for the placement of specific wireless telecom antenna on public and private property by numerous companies, including AT&T, Ameritech, SBC, Sprint, Nextel, MetroCom, Motorola, Next-G, PrimeCo, Radiofone and VoiceStream
Representing Telecommunications Companies in State and Federal Courtrooms
Let our team protect your best interests in the courtroom. In the past, we have:
- Represented facility based, resellers and wireless carriers before the FCC and various state Public Service Commissions
- Defended numerous carriers from class action and single plaintiff claims related to contract disputes and billing practices in both state and federal courts
Providing Telecommunications Legal Assistance Across the Country
Whether you need a legal problem resolved, regulatory assistance, or a consultation, contact our offices today to benefit from our many years of experience in the industry.
Protect yourself and your customers with the following telecommunications legal services