Processing of November 2021 NCE-FM Radio Applications Continues; Settlement Window Ends January 28
Posted on December 30th, 2021 by adminThe FCC is moving ahead quickly with processing the 1282 applications filed in its November 2021 New NCE-FM filing window.
In late November, the Commission began accepting technical amendments and settlement proposals for the 883 applications that proposed technical parameters mutually exclusive with other applications filed in the window. We have seen several such amendments in the daily public notices that have created singleton applications to be granted after 30 days if there are no objections. The FCC says it will expedite the processing of all complete and rule-compliant settlement agreements and technical amendments filed by January 28, 2022. For details on how to make such filings, applicants should consult the FCC’s November 29, 2021 public notice announcing the start of the settlement window.
On December 8, 2021, the FCC dismissed seventy-five singleton applications by public notice, allowing 30 days for applicants to electronically file minor change curative amendments. If an amendment creates a conflict with another window-filed application, it will be rejected.
Some applicants initially determined to be singletons have already been issued construction permits. Permits expire 3 years after they are granted. Entities with permits can now seek call letters for the station, and must file an ownership report no later than 30 days after the permit is granted. Permittees do not have an online public file in the FCC’s system, so the permit and ownership report should be placed in the paper public file in the station’s community of license. Permittees should carefully review permit parameters for any errors and also pay close attention to any permit conditions.