LPTV Displacement Window Permits Trickle In

Posted on June 28th, 2018 by

The FCC’s Special Displacement Window for LPTV and TV translator stations being displaced by the post-auction repack closed 30 days ago, and construction permits have slowly begun to be issued by the FCC. In general, we’re seeing that the earliest filed applications in this window – those filed by T-Mobile displaced stations last fall but delayed for processing as part of the filing window – are being granted first so that build-outs can be completed.

There’s no word yet from the FCC on its plans to announce a special window for mutually exclusive applicants to file technical amendments or other settlement proposals. It’s our understanding that there are several (but not as many as we would have thought) mutually exclusive applications in spectrum congested areas like larger cities.

There’s also no word from the FCC on how it plans to distribute Congressionally-approved funds to partially reimburse displaced LPTV stations for the costs of building out on another channel. We’re hoping that there is some improvement in that process as compared to the full power reimbursement regime, which has been hampered by software glitches and seemingly inane processing requirements.