LMS and OPIF Technical Issues Require Extended Deadlines

Posted on January 31st, 2023 by

Toward the end of 2022, we began experiencing issues with the FCC’s online public file system (OPIF), as well as the Licensing Management System (LMS).  Issues varied from slow operation, to repeatedly being involuntarily logged out, to payment issues.  Those same problems extended into early 2023 and prompted the FCC to initially extend January upload or filing deadlines until January 31, 2023.  Just days before the end of the month, the FCC then further extended all upload and filing deadlines until February 28, 2023.

If your station missed the January 10, 2023 deadline for uploading 4Q 2022 issues/programs lists, Class A certifications, third-party fundraising disclosures for noncommercial stations, or the January 30, 2023 deadline for TV filing station children’s television reports and uploading commercial limits certifications, you have until February 28, 2023 to complete those.  The same applies to stations that have to file EEO program reports and license renewals, or upload EEO public file reports, as of February 1, 2023.

If you were able to upload or file any of these items, now is the time to double check whether the uploads or filings were successful, and confirm that application fee payments have been recognized.  We are aware of a few situations where successful uploads or filings later fail to show up in the FCC’s systems (which could be due to the FCC resetting database data to earlier dates as they work to stabilize the various impacted systems).  While no precise reasoning for the widespread issues has been given, it could be due to a transition to new servers to handle the immense number of submissions.

If you are having difficulty, we recommend trying early in the morning, late in the evening, or on weekends.  If you have questions about whether your station is in compliance, please let us know.