Limited Radio Filing Freeze Begins October 5

Posted on September 28th, 2021 by

In connection with the FCC’s scheduled November 2021 filing window for new noncommercial FM radio stations, a limited application filing freeze will begin on October 1 and continue through the close of the filing window on November 9.  The freeze includes all reserved band minor change applications and amendments, as well as minor change applications and amendments for non-reserved channels 221, 222, 223 and IF channels 254-274.

Freezes are common before filing windows.  They promote transparency and predictability for window filers, and provide time for applicants and consulting engineers to verify spectrum availability.

In the new LMS filing system, the FCC has the ability to disable the ability of certain stations to file minor modification applications, and we anticipate that the FCC will use that function for this freeze.  As a result, all noncommercial stations and the commercial stations on the non-reserved band channels listed above will likely get a “cannot be filed at this time” message if they attempt to load a minor modification application during the freeze period.