EAS National Test Set For September 27th
Posted on July 31st, 2017 by adminThe latest EAS National Test public notice is an important one, setting pre- and post-test deadlines and establishing September 27, 2017 as the scheduled test date. Every broadcast station must participate.
In addition to checking your equipment and getting set for the test, three separate filings must be made for each encoder. First up is the aptly named EAS Form One. You can prepare and file that form now, but you must have done so no later than August 28, 2017. Once that one’s on file, you can amend it until just before the test. Then, on September 27, 2017, the test will be conducted and all stations have to file EAS Form Two by midnight that day. After that, you have another 16 days to file EAS Form Three.
Procrastinators beware. Filing these forms can be a challenge, starting with the fact that you can’t even access the FCC’s ETRS system without a CORES Username. So get one of those first, associate it to your station’s FRN, login to ETRS and start preparing EAS Form One now.
Confused on CORES? Try this public notice on what you need to do. And if all else fails, call us and we’ll help.