Dates To Remember

Posted on June 30th, 2017 by

July 3, 2017

Deadline to file initial comments in Main Studio Rule Elimination proceeding.

July 5, 2017

Deadline to file initial comments in Modernization of Media Regulations proceeding.

July 10, 2017

TV, Class A, AM & FM Stations (commercial & noncommercial): complete 2nd quarter 2017 issues/program reports. TV & Class A stations post the report to your online public file. AM & FM Stations place in your public file (if already moved online, place in online public file).

TV & Class A stations (commercial only): complete and electronically file via LMS the FCC Form 398 Children’s TV Programming Report for 2nd Quarter 2017. Your report should be automatically linked by the FCC to your online public file. Also compile and post to online public file records relating to station’s compliance with children’s programming commercial limits for 2nd Quarter 2017.

Class A TV Stations Only: complete and post to your online public file a certification of ongoing Class A eligibility.

July 12, 2017

Deadline for reassigned TV stations to file a construction permit application on Form 2100 for their allotted facilities, and to file FCC Form 399 Estimate of Repack Reimbursement Expenses

July 26, 2017

Cross-service FM translator Auction 99 filing window opens for Class C and D AM stations

August 1, 2017

AM & FM Stations in North Carolina, South Carolina, Illinois & Wisconsin: if five full-time employee threshold is met, complete EEO public file report and post same in public file as well as post on station website.

AM & FM Stations in California: if five full-time employee threshold is met, complete EEO public file report and place same in public file as well as post on station website. If station has 11 or more full-time employees, prepare and electronically file mid-term EEO Form 397 and place copy of filed report in your public inspection file. NCE Stations Only: your Form 323-E ownership report that would have been due on this date has been suspended until December 1, 2017.

TV & Class A Stations in North Carolina & South Carolina: if five full-time employee threshold is met, complete EEO public file report and post same in public file as well as on station website and prepare and electronically file mid-term EEO Form 397 and place copy of filed report in your public inspection file. NCE Stations Only: your Form 323-E ownership report that would have been due on this date has been suspended until December 1, 2017.

TV & Class A Stations in California, Illinois & Wisconsin: if five full-time employee threshold is met, complete EEO public file report and post same in online public file and station website. NCE Stations in California Only: your Form 323-E ownership report that would have been due on this date has been suspended until December 1, 2017.