C-Band Lump Sum Reimbursement Payments Getting Closer

Posted on February 23rd, 2021 by

The FCC’s C-Band auction clearing a portion of the band for mobile broadband use has now concluded, and winners will soon make payments against their winning bids.  Once those payments are made, broadcasters and others holding C-Band licenses that elected lump sum reimbursements for vacating the spectrum should expect a public notice from the FCC announcing actions necessary to receive their lump sum payments.

We do not anticipate that those who made lump sum elections will receive individual email, mail or phone call notices from the FCC when the time arrives for reimbursements. Instead, the general public notice will likely be the method used by the FCC to communicate the procedures.  For those our firm assisted with qualifying for lump sum reimbursements, we will reach out to you when the FCC announces reimbursement procedures.