C-Band Lump Sum Reimbursement Election Deadline Nears
Posted on August 31st, 2020 by adminThe FCC has extended the deadline for C-Band earth station registration holders to make an election for a lump-sum reimbursement for costs associated with relocating away from spectrum designated for auction to wireless 5G providers. Registrants have the option of choosing (1) an actual-cost reimbursement method where satellite carriers will receive most of the funds to purchase new equipment or modify existing equipment, and the registrant would file for and receive reimbursement for certain costs, or (2) an alternative lump sum reimbursement amount that makes the registrant responsible for purchasing and installing equipment necessary to move to the upper portion of the C-Band.
Those making a lump sum election must do so no later than September 14, 2020 by submitting certain required information and certifications into the FCC’s electronic comment filing system. Details on the information required and submission instructions are available in paragraphs 41-42 of this Public Notice. Lump sum amount details can be found on pages 18-19 of the Cost Catalog. To determine whether a C-Band registration is on the FCC’s incumbent list (one of the criteria for lump sum reimbursement eligibility), click here to access a searchable incumbent list excel spreadsheet.